Goodbye, Cinemarati...hello, world
Cinemarati, which in its better days featured some of the most interesting film discussion available on the web, has finally closed shop...and it's telling in an unfortunate way, I think, that I'm too busy at the moment to write at length about it and what it's meant to me. I think the site is still up, though not for long, and there are some very thoughtful and well-written tributes there that are well worth reading - and that reflect why I joined the group. Needless to say, I'm sad to see it go.
However, the departure of Cinemarati has inspired me to fortify my links to the community to which it introduced me. My blog began, and to some extent has remained, a semi-private, semi-public affair - that is, a chronicle of my lifelong love affair with movies. It proved to be a great springboard for meeting other like-minded film-obsessed folk and jawing with them about our shared obsession, but one that I didn't fully capitalize on because, alas, I still haven't mastered the art of balancing a demanding work schedule, personal life, and other interests.
I've resolved to do better. Beginning in July, I will be blogging much more regularly and engaging more with my fellow former Cinemarati and other members of the online film critics and film blogging community.
In the meantime, I will try at least to put up a roundup of the movies I've seen in the past couple of months, hopefully some time next week.
However, the departure of Cinemarati has inspired me to fortify my links to the community to which it introduced me. My blog began, and to some extent has remained, a semi-private, semi-public affair - that is, a chronicle of my lifelong love affair with movies. It proved to be a great springboard for meeting other like-minded film-obsessed folk and jawing with them about our shared obsession, but one that I didn't fully capitalize on because, alas, I still haven't mastered the art of balancing a demanding work schedule, personal life, and other interests.
I've resolved to do better. Beginning in July, I will be blogging much more regularly and engaging more with my fellow former Cinemarati and other members of the online film critics and film blogging community.
In the meantime, I will try at least to put up a roundup of the movies I've seen in the past couple of months, hopefully some time next week.